
January 5, 2011

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 v4.2.1 | 165 MB

Portable Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 v4.2.1 | 165 MB
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 - new version of the professional program for nonlinear video editing. It has modern facilities and instruments, has a comfortable customizable interface, functional tools for editing audio and video tracks, the possibility of applying different effects and filter technology to speed up video processing and many other features ...
Also in Premiere Pro is implemented tighter integration with other products of the company Adobe (Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop) that allows you to significantly enhance the ability polishing video. In addition, the program includes additional software to capture and record video, thanks to which it becomes an integrated environment that includes all phases of work with video.
Create a video that will make a lasting impression on the audience, using the software Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. This is a comprehensive solution that enables you to control the process of creating video from beginning to end, and that includes the program Adobe OnLocation CS4 and Encore CS4.
New features:
* Metadata: The ability to add metadata to your files while working for better editing. Add metadata when you export a project for web-publications for faster searching.
* Speech Search: Use the characters in the dialogues for the metadata. Rewind your video on the location of keywords.
* Batch encoding files in the background: Save time with Adobe Media Encoder, a separate program that is included in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. It allows you to convert your source files and sequences. Change your priorities and preferences for individual files ...
* Support for the latest formats: Working with video formats AVCHD, P2, XDCAM EX, XDCAM HD and the other without re-encoding.
* New Design Adobe OnLocation CS4: Get monitoring information while recording disk using Adobe OnLocation CS4 with new user friendly interface.
* Working effectively with other Adobe: New level of performance from creation to export. Get rid of the slow rendering and have fun with new support for Adobe Photoshop files, and new ways of applying.
* Effective Editing: More than 50 ways to make the editing process faster - to apply effects to multiple elements of the sequence once, increasing the number of hot keys and much more.
* Easy export SWF: Create SWF-versions of your DVD-, Blu-Ray-projects for web publishing with interactivity, DVD-ROM, menus, links, HTML templates, without any additional software.
* Authoring Blu-Ray-ROM drive: Create Blu-Ray discs as well as you used to do with a DVD with Adobe Encore CS4.
* Resource Centre: Access to online-news and videurokam through Resource Central panel in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and Adobe Encore CS4.
Adobe Premiere Pro is a sophisticated and complete tool for creating and editing digital video, high-quality nonlinear. Possui recursos para realizar edição em tempo real, garantindo o controle preciso de todos os aspectos de produção, com performance espetacular no Windows XP. It has resources to conduct real-time editing, ensuring precise control of all aspects of production, with spectacular performance in Windows XP.
The CS4 version of the program has an interface that in some points resemble Adobe Photoshop where you can change the location of the tools you use most to become more affordable, always on hand. Deixando visivel as funções que precisar e escondendo as que não estiver usando. Leaving visible the functions you need, and hiding that are not using. Editando com o Adobe Premiere Pro, você consegue utilizar mais de 50 melhorias de edição, para deixar seu fluxo de trabalho mais eficiente. Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro, you can use more than 50 enhancements for editing, to make your workflow more efficient. Aplique de uma só vez efeito a multiplas seleções, trabalhe mais rápido utilizando os atalhos de teclado. Apply at once to effect multiple selections, work faster using keyboard shortcuts.
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